Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Lake

There is a lake in Tondano which named "Tondano lake" no one actually know which one was named after the other. The lake is where the main source of food in Tondano just until a few decades ago. People of Tondano feels a close relationship with the lake as it is the symbol of the town itself. And on top of that it is the one of the many reason why outsiders remember Tondano. Beautifull and with mountains surrounding it, sure leads to some beautifull view.

According to a legend, the lake used to be mountain which inhabitat by two tribes which are enemies against each other. Though they are enemies they didn't wage war against each other. Then the daughter of one of the tribe met with the son of the other tribe and feel in love. Refuse to accept what has happened both tribers declare war against each other. The mountain spirit was angered by this act which caused the mountain to exploded and became a lake. The lake of Tondano. 

Other than the legend above there are other legend about that lake that tells another story. But the important thing is that Tondano Lake has guided us people of Tondano a better life, a place called home and a culture to be called as our own.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Evolution of the farm area

The farm area as time passes started to grew an number of population from those who plant their crops in there. It happened first just as an act to increase the security in their farm by staying in their farm for a few weeks. And in doing so they increase the status of the post in their farm into a house. As time passes the more people started doing the same thing and a new population of people started to sprung in an area where there used to be a farm. The place still called the same as Tondano cause it still part of Tondano but separated by a distance. The farming never stop though but increase in some way cause it actually more suitable for anyone to do their work cause the location is closer to their house.

The Farm Area

The farm area is an area where most of the people plant their crops and those who farm their crops there didn't live there. People travel back to their home after their crops are harvest and they will be back to prepare for the next crops to be plant then go back to their home to wait until it is ready to be harvest. There are only a view post in which people used to keep an eye to their crops. It's located in the edge of Tondano where the northern part of this place is filled with water the southern part have a bit of problem in terms of finding water. So the southern part of the farm need to get their water from the further south of the city. Both area is one of the main sources of food in Tondano other than the one they imported from other city.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Center

The center is pretty much the whole city from the outsider point of view and also it is the first view any one could ever see. Most of the activity in the city is located within "the center". It became the center of attraction in the city so most people assume that's where everyone live. But those place only one part of the town while the other part of the town is where most of the people live. The goverment place on the other side of the town almost at the edge of the town. 

"The center" also develop its own population with the people who do bussiness there finally started to live in there even they posses other house in the other part of the town. Most of the people that live in this place are bussinessmen who inherit their places from their parents that do bussiness there where they stay and make living at the same time.

From the information of the elder people that live outside of "the center". It seems that "the center" changes based on how many peole started living there at the same time they do their bussiness. And for the past 20 years "the center" has changed from a bussiness area into a living quarters for the any bussinessmen that fine themself the will to settle down while still not leaving the world of Bussiness. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Home is what I called this place is, the very first place that was recorded inside my memory. It's a very peaceful place with a lot of green as you put your view out. The streets seems to be very well organized. Shape like a square spider thread from above. I guess that's why it's easy to get lost here as well as to get out. The land is very fertile in some way so most people used it it for the green plants and some flowers.

The people is very nice and good and also though yet gentle in some way both counter-direct attitude where someone could have two very different personalities at the same time without eliminating one or superiority the other. And for the most of it they're good people with somehow for any stranger always have smile in their faces.

This City was divided into Three parts as I may called it "the center", "the outskirts" and "the one between". "The center" was considered the whole city by outsiders its a place where most people think to be the center of center of the city yet it is not. And was considered by most people to be the main attraction in the city yet it is only a passing ground. While "the outskirts" is the center of the government activity in the city and the one between is where most of the people have their house built.

A great city which I consider as "Home" yet I not now much about it other than the story of my family and friend told to me.