Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Lake

There is a lake in Tondano which named "Tondano lake" no one actually know which one was named after the other. The lake is where the main source of food in Tondano just until a few decades ago. People of Tondano feels a close relationship with the lake as it is the symbol of the town itself. And on top of that it is the one of the many reason why outsiders remember Tondano. Beautifull and with mountains surrounding it, sure leads to some beautifull view.

According to a legend, the lake used to be mountain which inhabitat by two tribes which are enemies against each other. Though they are enemies they didn't wage war against each other. Then the daughter of one of the tribe met with the son of the other tribe and feel in love. Refuse to accept what has happened both tribers declare war against each other. The mountain spirit was angered by this act which caused the mountain to exploded and became a lake. The lake of Tondano. 

Other than the legend above there are other legend about that lake that tells another story. But the important thing is that Tondano Lake has guided us people of Tondano a better life, a place called home and a culture to be called as our own.

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