Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Center

The center is pretty much the whole city from the outsider point of view and also it is the first view any one could ever see. Most of the activity in the city is located within "the center". It became the center of attraction in the city so most people assume that's where everyone live. But those place only one part of the town while the other part of the town is where most of the people live. The goverment place on the other side of the town almost at the edge of the town. 

"The center" also develop its own population with the people who do bussiness there finally started to live in there even they posses other house in the other part of the town. Most of the people that live in this place are bussinessmen who inherit their places from their parents that do bussiness there where they stay and make living at the same time.

From the information of the elder people that live outside of "the center". It seems that "the center" changes based on how many peole started living there at the same time they do their bussiness. And for the past 20 years "the center" has changed from a bussiness area into a living quarters for the any bussinessmen that fine themself the will to settle down while still not leaving the world of Bussiness. 

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